Property Owners of Gulf Cove

How to Whitelist Email Addresses to Prevent Emails from Going to Junk Mail

A Guide to Whitelisting Viewing spam email folder on laptop

As of December, 2023, Property Owners of Gulf Cove is using Constant Contact to email our members. To prevent our email from being placed in your spam folder, please go in to your email provider and whitelist our email address:

“How the heck do I do that?” you may ask. Here is a comprehensive article on how to whitelist our POGC email address in your email provider:

The article includes instructions on how to whitelist email addresses on Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo Mail, AOL, Zoho, Proton, Apple Mail, Android Email, and Windows Live.

What If My Email Provider Isn’t Listed in the Article’s Instructions?

If your email provider isn’t listed in the instructional article, no need to panic! Simply google the instructions. Type into your browser: “How do I whitelist an email address in <name your email provider here>? You should receive plenty of links to articles that will help you.

Why Do I Need to Whitelist the POGC Email Address?

Email providers often use spam filters to protect users from unwanted or potentially harmful emails. While these filters are crucial for maintaining a clean inbox, they can sometimes be a bit overzealous and send legitimate emails to the junk or spam folder.

A Guide to Whitelisting Emails: Little boy with discouraged look on his face, sitting at a laptop

Sometimes when an organization switches emails to Constant Contact or any other email marketing company, the emails start going to peoples’ junk email folders. To ensure that important emails reach your inbox, it’s essential to whitelist specific email addresses, like

Why Is POGC Switching to Constant Contact?

You might ask, “Why are you switching to this new system when the old system works just fine?” The answer is:

  1. It is very difficult to email hundreds of people from a regular email program. Have you ever tried it? You have to send out less than 50 or sometimes 100 emails at a time or your provider will mark you as spam. So, we have to send out the same email several times to several groups of emails in less than 100 emails at a time. It is quite time consuming and we have to be very careful not to miss anyone. With Constant Contact, we can send out all the emails in one. That makes a volunteer’s life much easier.
  2. We have hundreds of people to email, and we have to send different emails to different groups of owners at any one given time. For example, we send monthly emails to park members to invite you to join our monthly meetings. We don’t send those emails to residents who only purchase boat ramp decals. A dedicated email program is necessary to help segment the emails so that no one receives an inappropriate email.

Thank You for Your Cooperation!

Whitelisting email addresses is a simple yet effective way to ensure that important messages reach your inbox. By following the steps outlined for popular email platforms such as AOL, Gmail, ProtonMail, Outlook, and Yahoo, you can take control of your email filtering settings and reduce the chances of missing critical communications from POGC.

Regularly updating your whitelist is a good practice to adapt to changes in your contact list and maintain an efficient email experience. Thank you for understanding, and please email the board at with any questions or problems you have with whitelisting the POGC email address.